Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Level Two Practice

Block One 

Supine (on your back) Hip mobilization working Hip Abduction, Adduction, Spinal rotation with belt

Hip Hinging with Pipe (one Minute)

Hula Hop (30 seconds each direction)

Stationary Lunge - Warm up back foot and then 10 reps warming up the Lunge

Standing Upper Body Core Integration (UBCI) with pipe

Side Bends with the Pipe incorporating the bracing sequence

Block Two 

(Pair two exercises and perform each one 45-60 seconds, 3 sets)
  • Walking lunges and handstand against the wall
  • Goblet Squats and Plank holds with option for push-ups
  • Deadlift to Dumbbell Rows and Side Planks

Block Three

(Pair two exercises and perform each one 60 seconds, 3 sets. minting theme of Block Three)

  • Sit-ups done slow with block in-between the hands & Bridge hold with Block in-between thighs

Sphinx hold for one minute and Bow for 30 seconds (only time for 2 sets)

Block Four 
  • Supine Spinal Twist (one minute hold each side)

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